bazel-contrib / rules_foreign_cc
Build rules for interfacing with "foreign" (non-Bazel) build systems (CMake, configure-make, GNU Make, boost, ninja, Meson)
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Build rules for interfacing with "foreign" (non-Bazel) build systems (CMake, configure-make, GNU Make, boost, ninja, Meson)
Examples for Bazel
NodeJS toolchain for Bazel.
A standard library for use in specifying protocol buffer APIs.
gRPC Network Operations Interface (gNOI) defines a set of gRPC-based microservices for executing operational commands on network devices.
Bazel examples
A Kurtosis package that deploys a private, portable, and modular Ethereum devnet
High-performance Bazel rules for running Node.js tools and building JavaScript projects
Bazel rules for creating packages of many types (zip, tar, deb, rpm, ...)
Bazel Python Rules
Rules for building and handling Docker images with Bazel
🐍🌿💚 Integrate MyPy type-checking into your Python Bazel builds
A Kurtosis package that deploys a private, portable, and modular Polygon CDK devnet
A publishing platform for apps developed by the Tidbyt community 🚀
Common useful functions and rules for Bazel
🥑 Language focused docker images, minus the operating system.
Scala rules for Bazel