Successfully implementing Sonar in organizations
Tesco Bolsters Analytics Arsenal: Acquires dunnhumby and chooses SonarQube to establish enterprise-wide clean code standards
dunnhumby realized a return on investment (ROI) within the first month by automating code analysis and improving the speed and accuracy of issue detection, developers saved an estimated 5 – 10 hours per week or more.

Whirlpool Speeds Up Release Cycles and Increases Customer Satisfaction with SonarQube
Whirlpool adopted SonarQube Enterprise Edition to integrate with Bitbucket for automated pull request analysis as well as its built-in quality gates ensured that developers could proactively identify and resolve issues early in the development cycle.
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M&T BANK Sees return on code quality and security investment within 6 months of choosing SonarQube
M&T Bank’s investment in SonarQube brought a return in less than six months, and since implementing SonarQube into their development workflow, they have saved substantial time that was previously dedicated to addressing bad code.
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BAE achieves 100% code compliance and saves valuable developer time
Code Quality is Critical in Aerospace and Defense Software
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ThalesRaytheonSystems has established enforceable code standards since implementing SonarQube
To meet the demands of the business and strengthen its competitive position, Thales selected SonarQube as its preferred solution
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CleverTap reaches a high standard of code quality with SonarQube
Using SonarQube over time, CleverTap reached their target goal of a high code quality standard and also found their developers' skills improved.
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Tango Software combines the power of AI with Sonar to achieve its code quality and coverage goals
SonarLint and SonarQube help the development team reach zero technical bugs and 50% code coverage.
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ConfigCat: Mastering Code Excellence with SonarCloud
Learn how ConfigCat, a cloud-based solution for feature flagging, faced the challenge of maintaining high code quality and security across a multitude of programming languages.
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DATEV’s journey to Clean Code with SonarQube
A unified solution for an end-to-end software quality process.
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Coding for Compliance
RR Mechatronics’ Strategic Approach to Technical Debt with SonarQube
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AI-driven real estate intelligence company, Recognyte, sees immediate ROI with SonarCloud
Discover how SonarCloud Quality Gates can act as a benefit, not a bottleneck, for streamlining the DevOps workflow
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Sonar helps Skyscanner find Clean Code success across 10 teams
Sonar’s SaaS capabilities decrease issues and increase development team productivity
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Pernod Ricard secures hundreds of e-commerce, mobile and enterprise applications with SonarQube.
SonarQube provides a common and accepted framework for developers to properly discuss the Clean Code thresholds required for meeting the Group’s code standards.
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