Secure by design 

Code security is critical for business success. Sonar enables organizations to adopt a shift-left approach, seamlessly integrating security into the early stages of software development in alignment with NIST Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) guidelines.

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The challenges of code security

Organizations strive to protect their codebase against risks, yet often, the focus on code security tends to emerge later in the development lifecycle rather than as an initial investment in secure-by-design practices. This common approach not only increases business risks but also escalates maintenance and remediation costs. By delaying the early integration of code security measures, a substantial burden is placed on development teams to retroactively tackle security issues, which in turn can significantly slow down project delivery. This delayed security focus undermines efforts to enhance the security posture, leading to software that may fulfill functional needs but falls short in crucial aspects of security and overall quality.

The challenges of code security

The right approach for secure code

Organizations require changes in their security approach coupled with the right tools that proactively integrate security by design practices from the early stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). The shift-left approach enables organizations to develop more secure software by identifying and reducing security vulnerabilities early in the code development process. It ensures that the software not only meets the specific criteria set by the organization but also complies with secure coding standards, such as the NIST Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF). By providing a developer-focused approach and tooling that conforms with NIST SSDF best practices, organizations can significantly improve their security posture.   

The right approach for secure code

Sonar secures your development lifecycle

To achieve positive outcomes, of robust, secure, and reliable software, achieved with greater efficiency, reduced risk, and lowered cost, early detection of vulnerabilities is crucial. A shift-left strategy is successful when it seamlessly integrates into the existing development workflow without becoming a burden on developers.

Sonar solutions consisting of SonarQube and SonarCloud integrated into the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline alongside SonarLint in the developer’s editor as code is being developed, perform static analysis and automated code reviews to find and correct all types of issues before code is released to any production environment. SSDF guidelines strongly advocate secure coding practices that incorporate procedures and tools to detect issues early and thoroughly – including automated and human review of issues for vulnerabilities and compliance checks, aligned with the organization’s standards. Sonar solution provides these real-time checks and feedback to development teams so they can review, understand, and remediate issues at every stage in the SDLC. 

  • Comprehensive analysis

  • Beyond security issues

  • Early detection of security vulnerabilities

  • Compliance with regulatory standards

Comprehensive analysis

Sonar identifies security vulnerabilities across 30+ programming languages, frameworks, and infrastructure technologies. Its comprehensive security analysis capabilities uncover a wide spectrum of security concerns, from SQL injection vulnerabilities and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks to buffer overflows, authentication issues, IaC misconfigurations, and cloud secrets detection. Utilizing a highly accurate analysis engine, with a true positive rate (TPR) of over 90%, Sonar has over 5000+ static analysis rules that uncover both quality and security issues related to the consistency, intentionality, adaptability, and responsibility of code.

Key features for code security

Sonar ensures end-to-end secure code, from initial development to release, by maintaining consistent standards for security and quality throughout the development pipeline.

Deeper SAST analysis

Sonar's advanced SAST capabilities uncover hidden vulnerabilities in application code – particularly detecting security issues in user code that may arise from third-party open-source libraries. This unique feature enables the tracing of data flow in and out of libraries, effectively uncovering deeply concealed security vulnerabilities that other tools fail to detect.

Secrets detection

Sonar excels in identifying a range of code issues across over 30 languages. Using Regular Expressions and Semantic Analysis, it specializes in detecting secrets within source code. SonarLint’s IDE integration scans code in real-time, preventing secrets from reaching repositories, complemented by SonarQube and SonarCloud which secure your repository and CI/CD pipeline.

Security reports

Sonar's security reports offer a clear view of code compliance with standards like OWASP Top 10, ASVS 4.0, and CWE Top 25. These reports provide a view of where a project stands compared to the most common mistakes. They also facilitate regulatory compliance and vulnerability management, distinguishing between vulnerability fixes and Security Hotspot Reviews at both project and portfolio levels.

Featured customer story


BAE Systems is an international defense, aerospace, and security company providing advanced, technology-led defense, aerospace, and security solutions. Its major business lines include electronic warfare, sensing and communications equipment, armored vehicles, artillery systems, naval guns and naval ship repair, and cybersecurity and intelligence services. 

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Detect insecure, bad code early with SonarQube
Security Architect

“Sonar teaches all our developers to write better, faster, and more secure code. It prevents bugs from reaching the master branch.”

Alin Tirlea, Security Architect/AppSec ManagerINTER DATA ABS SRL

Read customer stories
Security Architect

Alin Tirlea, Security Architect/AppSec Manager

“Sonar teaches all our developers to write better, faster, and more secure code. It prevents bugs from reaching the master branch.”


Security starts with Clean Code

Delivering secure code is essential for ensuring the future success of your software, and requires more than just fixing vulnerabilities. Sonar enables development teams to apply Clean Code practices and leverage advanced Static Application Security Testing (SAST), to more effectively work with security teams to ensure the reliability of their codebase.

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Shift left

"Shift left" is a practice that involves moving critical development practices earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

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Thales uses Sonar for complete software quality

Find out why Thales chose Sonar

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Leveraging SonarQube, SonarCloud, and SonarLint for effective shift left practices

Speed and quality are no longer trade-offs in the modern software landscape - they're a tightly interwoven dance. That's where the "shift left" philosophy comes in, urging us to move critical checks and balances like code quality analysis earlier in the development lifecycle.

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Secure by design: how implementing good quality methodology delivers better software security

Join Jonathan Slaughter, Security Governance Officer, to hear about the real shift left approach, where code quality serves as a catalyst for secure code.

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Detect insecure, bad code early with SonarQube

View our interactive demo to see the advanced security detection capabilities available in SonarQube that help keep all code clean.

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Learn more about how Sonar can help you ship clean, secure code
