Prevent, reduce, and manage code-level technical debt

Struggling with an unmanageable, complex codebase? Unlock software innovation with Sonar’s proactive strategy to reduce and prevent technical debt, while enhancing application lifespan and project outcomes.

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Manage the challenges of technical debt

Technical debt is a serious challenge for software companies, as it directly impacts budgets, resource allocation, and team morale. Traditional approaches of ad hoc task forces or dedicated sprints often prove unsustainable, since they tend to provide only temporary bandaid solutions, leading to recurrent problems, further accumulation of technical debt, and escalating frustration among development teams. The cyclical nature of these strategies fails to address the root causes of code-level technical debt and highlights the need for a more strategic and long-term approach to effectively tackle this pervasive issue in software development.

Manage the challenges of technical debt

The cost of technical debt

Technical debt's impact extends far beyond slowing down software development, hiking up maintenance costs, and affecting application longevity. With developers spending 33% of their time remediating issues in code according to the Developer Coefficient report, a 50-person team spends 5,500 hours annually, technical debt impacts an organization’s ability to innovate and remain competitive, while affecting developers' morale and productivity, making it difficult to attract and retain talent.

The cost of technical debt

Cost-effective prevention vs expensive remediation

Unlike other tools, Sonar offers a forward-thinking solution to code-level technical debt, going beyond mere issue remediation. As a comprehensive solution that enables both remediation and prevention, Sonar's solution - SonarQubeSonarCloud, and SonarLint, coupled with the Clean as You Code methodology, efficiently manages code quality throughout the development lifecycle, preventing the accumulation of technical debt.

  • Reduce maintenance costs

  • Accelerate software development

  • Ensure software modernization success

  • Minimize technical-debt-related risks

Reduce maintenance costs

Burdened by high maintenance costs? Sonar significantly reduces the cost of maintenance by ensuring high code quality standards and security, minimizing the need for future refactoring or expensive application overhauls.

Key features

Sonar ensures seamless, end-to-end quality assurance from IDE to deployment, maintaining consistent code quality throughout the CI/CD pipeline.

Clean as You Code

The Clean as You Code methodology enables developers to maintain high coding standards using over 5,000 rules across 30+ languages and frameworks for comprehensive code analysis. This method facilitates real-time quality assurance, enabling developers to instantly identify and resolve issues, thus preventing technical debt from accumulating.

Automated Code Reviews

Sonar's automated code reviews offer real-time feedback on every Pull Request, enabling immediate resolution of vulnerabilities and bugs. This proactive approach minimizes the need for extensive later-stage remediation, helping prevent technical debt.

Gated Quality

Sonar's Quality Gates ensures projects meet predefined quality standards before release, including conditions like no new blocker issues and maintaining over 80% code coverage on new code. This not only enforces consistent quality but also helps prevent technical debt.


“Sonar helps reduce technical debt as issues are identified early and assigned to developers who created them so they can be fixed right away.”

Anonymous, Software Engineer

Read customer stories

Anonymous, Software Engineer

“Sonar helps reduce technical debt as issues are identified early and assigned to developers who created them so they can be fixed right away.”


Technical Debt

Technical debt refers to the future costs of rework or maintenance that arise from prioritizing speed and quick fixes over code quality in software development, with the debt accumulating over time and requiring resources to be paid off, making it crucial to address and minimize from the start of a project.

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Technical debt’s impact on development speed and code quality

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the concept of technical debt looms large, casting a shadow over projects both large and small. It represents the compromise made between short-term expediency and long-term sustainability, often resulting in a trade-off between development speed and code quality.

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Learn more about how Sonar can help you in your software development
