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Definition and Guide

What is a Monorepo and Why Are They Useful?

A monorepo is a code management approach where all code for multiple projects, including components, libraries, and internal dependencies, is stored in a single centralized repository, often involving multiple programming languages and application types.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Monorepo?
  • Why is a Monorepo Important?
  • Best Practices for Monorepos
  • How to Create a Monorepo
  • Examples of Monorepos
  • Benefits of Monorepo Tools
  • Sonar and Monorepos

In the software development world, monorepos have become a popular choice for managing codebases. But what exactly is a monorepo, and why are so many companies making the switch? In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of monorepos, including best practices, types, benefits, and how to create one for your team.

What is a Monorepo?

A monorepo, short for monolithic repository, is a code management approach where all code for several projects is stored in a single repository. This centralized repository houses all components, libraries, and internal dependencies for each project in the repo, and often consists of multiple programming languages and application types.

Why is a Monorepo important? 

Due to its numerous advantages, monorepos have gained popularity in the software development community. Let’s explore why many companies are opting for this approach.

Simplified Code Management

One of the main reasons for using a monorepo is simplified code management. With all code stored in a single repository, it becomes easier to track changes, maintain consistency, and ensure proper version control, such as maintaining a common branch strategy. Developers can access and manage the entire codebase more efficiently, reducing the risk of code duplication.

Enhanced Collaboration

A monorepo promotes collaboration among team members. Because all your code is in one place, sharing and reviewing code becomes more effortless, leading to better communication and knowledge sharing. Developers can simultaneously work on different project components, enabling seamless collaboration and improved productivity.

Streamlined Tooling

A single set of tooling means the tooling does not need to understand the differences between several repositories, making them much more straightforward to maintain. Teams can streamline testing and deployment processes with all code housed in a monorepo. It is easier for developers to build test scripts to run tests on the entire codebase or specific components, ensuring consistent and thorough testing. Additionally, build pipelines for multiple projects can be more easily coordinated when code is in a monorepo, leading to faster deployment cycles and more efficient development workflows.

Code Sharing and Reusability

Monorepos makes sharing and reusing code across projects or components within the repository easier. Shared libraries, utilities, or common code can be easily accessed and utilized, reducing redundant code and promoting consistency. This results in significant time savings and simplifies code maintenance.

Dependency Management

Managing dependencies becomes more straightforward in a monorepo setup, reducing the need to manage dependencies between projects. With all projects and components residing in the same repository, developers can manage dependencies centrally. This reduces compatibility issues and makes tracking and updating dependencies across the entire codebase easier.

Consistent Development Environment

In a monorepo, all developers work with the same set of libraries and configurations. This creates a more consistent development environment, reducing compatibility issues and ensuring that all team members work with the same resources. Consistency in the development environment leads to smoother collaboration and faster onboarding of new team members.

Flexibility and Scaling

Monorepos provide flexibility for organizing your projects, especially those that are expected to grow in complexity and size over time. You are not bound to the project structure that the repo defines. As new projects or components are added, they can easily be integrated into the existing monorepo structure. This avoids the overhead of managing separate repositories, can simplify the overall project structure, and aids in code navigation, readability, and maintainability.

Mitigating Communication Overhead

In a traditional multi-repository approach, communication overhead can increase as teams need to coordinate changes across multiple repositories. With a monorepo, the need for cross-repository coordination is eliminated, resulting in reduced communication overhead, leading to faster development cycles. Adopting a monorepo approach offers significant advantages in code management, collaboration, testing, code sharing, dependency management, project structure, scalability, and communication overhead. These benefits make monorepos an attractive choice for efficiently managing large and complex software projects.

Best Practices for Monorepos: Streamlining Code Organization and Collaboration

Developers are required to follow best practices to manage a monorepo effectively. Managing a monorepo well involves proper code organization, efficient collaboration, and maintainable development workflows. This comprehensive and exhaustive explanation will explore key best practices for monorepos.

Consistent Folder Structure

Establish a consistent and intuitive folder structure within the monorepo. A well-organized structure makes locating and managing code across projects and components easier. Consider organizing the codebase by functional areas, modules, or features to facilitate navigation and code discoverability.

Modular Architecture

Develop projects and components with a modular architecture in mind. Break down code into smaller, reusable modules or packages that can be shared across projects within the monorepo. This promotes code reusability, reduces duplication, and enforces separation of concerns.

Versioning and Dependency Management

Implement a robust versioning strategy for managing dependencies within the monorepo. Establish clear guidelines on managing and upgrading dependencies to ensure compatibility and avoid conflicts. Utilize package managers or tools designed explicitly for managing dependencies in monorepos, such as Yarn Workspaces or Lerna.

Code Review and Quality Assurance

Set up a code review process to maintain code quality and consistency. Implement automated code review tools and establish coding guidelines to enforce best practices. Encourage team members to review each other's code and provide constructive feedback. This helps catch potential issues early on and ensures a high standard of code quality.

Branching Strategy

Determine a suitable branching strategy for managing code changes within the monorepo. Popular strategies include Gitflow, Trunk-based Development, or a combination of feature branches and trunk. Choose a strategy that aligns with your team's workflow and promotes collaboration and efficient code merging. It’s also important to consider a good branch naming strategy that clearly identifies the project or component the branch is for. A good naming strategy is critical for clarity because all projects and components reside together in a single repo.

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

Implement automated CI/CD pipelines to streamline build, testing, and deployment processes. Configure automated tests to run on each code change, ensuring that changes are thoroughly tested before merging into the main branch. Automate deployments to staging or production environments to increase efficiency and reduce errors.

Documentation and Readme Files

Maintain comprehensive documentation within the monorepo. Include high-level project overviews, architectural diagrams, and usage instructions for components or shared libraries. Additionally, provide clear instructions on how to set up the development environment, run tests, and deploy the applications.

Developer Training and Onboarding 

Invest in training and onboarding processes to ensure team members understand the monorepo structure, workflows, and best practices. Conduct regular knowledge sharing sessions to help developers stay up-to-date with changes and improvements within the monorepo.

Testing Strategies

Adopt a comprehensive testing strategy that covers the entire codebase. Utilize unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to validate the functionality and compatibility of projects and components within the monorepo. Consider implementing test isolation techniques to prevent one project's failures from impacting others.

Monitoring and Logging

Implement effective monitoring and logging solutions within the monorepo. Establish a centralized logging system to collect and analyze logs from different projects and components. Monitor key metrics and performance indicators to identify and resolve issues quickly.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the team. Regularly evaluate the monorepo structure, workflows, and tools used. Identify areas for optimization and enhancement, and seek feedback from team members to drive continuous improvement. By following these best practices, teams can streamline code organization, promote collaboration, ensure code quality, and optimize the development process within a monorepo. Ultimately, these practices contribute to the success and maintainability of monorepo-based projects.

How to create a Monorepo

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a monorepo, including planning, migration, establishing build and deployment processes, code sharing, and collaboration practices.

Step 1: Plan and Prepare

Define Goals and Objectives

Clearly outline the goals and objectives of creating a monorepo. Identify the specific problems you aim to solve or the benefits you want to achieve with this approach.

Scope and Boundaries

Determine the scope and boundaries of the monorepo. Decide which projects, components, or services to include and which approved dependencies will be used in the monorepo.

Folder Structure and Naming Conventions

Define a folder structure that suits your project. Consider organizing code by functional areas, modules, or features. Establish naming conventions for consistency in file and folder names across the monorepo.

Step 2: Choose a DevOps Platform for your Code Repository

Evaluate DevOps Platforms 

Research and decide which DevOps platform suits your needs, such as GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or Azure DevOps. Each has its advantages. Some are better suited for on-prem self-managed deployments, while others are better for SaaS cloud deployments.

Git Initialization or Conversion 

Set up a new repository or convert an existing repository into a monorepo. Initialize the repository, create an initial commit, and configure remote repositories for collaboration.

Step 3: Migrate Code

Assess Existing Codebase

Evaluate the current codebase and identify projects, components, or services to include in the monorepo. Consider dependencies and potential conflicts.

Migration Strategies

Choose a migration strategy based on the size and complexity of the codebase. Manual migration involves copying code into the monorepo, while automated migration tools, like Lerna or Yarn Workspaces, can assist with transferring code and managing dependencies.

Dependency Management

During migration, handle dependencies carefully. Ensure they align with the monorepo's versioning strategy and address any incompatibilities.

Step 4: Establish Build and Deployment Processes

Build System Setup

Implement a build system to compile, test, and package individual projects or components within the monorepo. Popular build tools include Maven, Gradle, NPM, MSBuild, or command line. Continuous Integration (CI) and Testing: Configure automated static analysis testing and continuous integration for the monorepo. Set up CI pipelines to run static analysis tests on each code change, ensuring code quality and catching issues early.

Deployment Pipelines 

Establish deployment pipelines to deploy updates to staging and production environments. Automate deployment steps, such as packaging and deploying applications or services using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or GitHub Actions.

Step 5: Implement Code Sharing and Dependency Management

Package Management

Leverage package managers like npm or Yarn to manage shared dependencies within the monorepo. Establish private package registries or use package aliases to facilitate code sharing.

Versioning Guidelines

Establish guidelines for versioning dependencies to maintain compatibility and avoid conflicts. Determine whether to use semantic versioning (SemVer) or specific version ranges.

Monorepo-Specific Tools

Utilize monorepo-specific tools like Lerna or Yarn Workspaces to streamline code sharing, dependency installation, and cross-project linking.

Step 6: Enforce Coding Standards and Collaboration Practices

Coding Guidelines 

Define coding guidelines and standards that apply across projects within the monorepo. Enforce consistent code formatting, naming conventions, and best practices.

Code Reviews and Pull Requests

Implement a code review process to maintain code quality. Along with automated code reviews from a static analysis tool, encourage developers to review each other's code and provide constructive feedback through pull request workflows.

Collaboration Tools

Utilize collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or other communication platforms to facilitate efficient collaboration within the development team.

Step 7: Documentation and Onboarding

Monorepo Documentation 

Document the monorepo's structure, conventions, guidelines, and workflows. Explain how to set up the development environment, run tests, and deploy applications.

Onboarding Guidelines

Provide clear onboarding guidelines for new team members to ensure a smooth transition into working with the monorepo. Document the processes, tools, and conventions they need to follow.

Step 8: Continuous Improvement

Regular Assessment 

Continuously assess the monorepo structure, processes, and tools to identify areas for optimization and improvement.

Feedback and Iteration

Gather feedback from developers and stakeholders to understand pain points and areas for enhancement. Iterate and update the monorepo based on the feedback received. In order to incorporate all the above, you will need to refine the process based on your project's specific needs. A well-structured and organized monorepo promotes efficient code management, collaboration, and scalability, leading to streamlined development workflows and higher productivity.

Real-World Examples of Monorepos: Google and Facebook


Google is a leading technology company known for its extensive use of monorepos in managing their vast codebase. Their main monorepo, known as the "Google codebase," is reported to contain over 2 billion lines of code spread across various projects and services. Google developed a custom-built tool called Piper to effectively manage their monorepo. Piper provides features and capabilities that enable fast and efficient code sharing and collaboration within their organization. Piper streamlines code synchronization across different projects and enables efficient change tracking. It allows developers to work on multiple projects within the monorepo and integrates seamlessly with Google's code review processes.

By centralizing their codebase in a monorepo, Google benefits from streamlined code management, improved collaboration and knowledge sharing, and increased code reuse across their various projects and services. This approach allows Google's engineers to leverage existing code and efficiently build and iterate on new features and products.


Meta, one of the world's largest social networking companies, also utilizes a monorepo to manage its extensive codebase. With over 100 million lines of code, their monorepo encompasses numerous projects, libraries, and services. Facebook employs a build tool called Buck, specifically designed to handle their monorepo. Buck enables fast and efficient builds within the monorepo environment. It incorporates advanced caching mechanisms to optimize build times by avoiding unnecessary recompilation of common dependencies. Buck also integrates well with Facebook's continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) workflows, enabling rapid iterations and deployments.

By leveraging a monorepo, Facebook benefits from improved code sharing and reuse, streamlined collaboration among their development teams, and increased code visibility and maintainability.

Benefits of Monorepo Tools

Monorepo tools like Bit, NX, Pnpm, Yarn, Rush, Bazel, Buck, and SonarQube play a crucial role in managing and optimizing the development workflow in a monorepo environment. Here are some key benefits of using monorepo tools:

Enhanced Code Sharing

Monorepo tools facilitate seamless code sharing between projects within the repository. This promotes reusability, reduces duplication of code, and ensures consistency across different parts of the codebase.

Improved Dependency Management

By leveraging monorepo tools, developers can efficiently manage dependencies between projects and components. This results in better control over versioning, updates, and compatibility, leading to a more stable and maintainable codebase.

Streamlined Build Processes

Monorepo tools streamline the build processes by providing automated build configurations, dependency resolution, and deployment pipelines. This increases the efficiency of development cycles and ensures faster delivery of features and updates.

Simplified Testing

Mono repo tools help automate and integrate testing procedures into the development workflow. This allows for comprehensive testing of code changes across projects, ensuring quality assurance and early detection of issues.

Scalability and Performance

Monorepo tools are designed to handle large codebases and complex project structures effectively. They optimize performance by enabling faster builds, code searches, and navigation within the repository, ultimately enhancing the scalability of the development environment. Incorporating the right monorepo tools can significantly enhance productivity, collaboration, and code quality within a monorepo setup, making them essential for maximizing the benefits of this software development approach.

Sonar and Monorepos


SonarQube provides robust code quality and security analysis tailored for monorepos, where multiple projects are consolidated into a single repository. Setup is a breeze with one-time guided onboarding of projects in a monorepo. Its centralized approach to quality allows SonarQube to offer consistent and comprehensive insights across all projects, enhancing quality and maintainability and reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.

By integrating seamlessly into continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, SonarQube ensures that code quality is monitored in realtime with continuous automatic inspections, enabling developers to catch and fix issues as new code is being developed. Its support for a wide range of programming languages and integration with popular development tools further boosts productivity. SonarQube's customizable dashboards and detailed reports also help teams track progress and enforce quality standards consistently across your entire portfolio.


SonarCloud offers cloud-based code quality and security analysis, providing a scalable solution ideal for monorepos. By leveraging SonarCloud, teams benefit from automatic updates and maintenance, ensuring they always have access to the latest features without the overhead of self-managing an instance. Its seamless integration with popular DevOps tools like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket allows for real-time code analysis with quality results in pull request comments, facilitating better collaboration and faster code reviews.

SonarCloud's powerful detection of issues such as code smells, bugs, and security vulnerabilities across diverse projects within a monorepo ensures consistent code quality and security standards are met, making it an invaluable tool for large, distributed teams.


SonarLint acts as a realtime code quality and security analyzer within integrated development environments (IDEs), providing immediate feedback to developers as they write code. This instant analysis is particularly beneficial for monorepos, where multiple projects and teams are involved, as it helps maintain high code quality from the ground up.

By catching issues early in the development process, SonarLint reduces the time and effort needed for later code review and testing stages. It supports various IDEs and programming languages, ensuring broad applicability across different projects within a monorepo. With SonarLint, developers can consistently adhere to coding standards and best practices, contributing to a healthier, more maintainable codebase.

This guide was written by Robert Curlee.

  • August 21, 2024