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Step-By-Step Guide

Java Code Static Analysis With SonarCloud : A Step-by-Step Guide

SonarCloud helps you uncover bugs and security weaknesses early in the development cycle, saving you time, money, and reputation. In this comprehensive guide to using SonarCloud for Java code static analysis, you will walk through the setup, analysis, results, and issue resolution before they cause problems.

Table of Contents

  • Intro
  • Create an Organization
  • Fork a Demo Repository
  • Set Up SonarCloud
  • Set Up Build Integration
  • Examine Analysis Results
  • Fix A Reported Issue
  • Analyze A Pull Request
  • Conclusion


Ensuring code quality and security in Java applications is a complex task. Poor coding practices, such as code duplication, complex structures, or lack of documentation, can compromise your code's maintainability, readability, and efficiency. In addition, malicious entities can exploit vulnerabilities, leading to unauthorized access, data breaches, and service interruptions.

Static code analysis and vulnerability scanning help you maintain the integrity and security of software applications you develop at the earliest point in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), reducing the work and lowering the cost to test, find, and fix issues found later in the SDLC. Static code analysis identifies issues in the codebase that lead to unstable and unmaintainable software. Vulnerability scanning, also known as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), identifies security weaknesses, which is especially useful as cyber threats become more sophisticated.

That is where SonarCloud comes into play.SonarCloud is a cloud-based solution that offers a comprehensive code quality and security analysis, including automatic analysis, bug detection, security vulnerability detection, and technical debt detection in Java projects and beyond

In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to use SonarCloud to continuously scan a project in GitHub using a GitHub Action workflow.

Create an Organization on GitHub

To integrate SonarCloud with GitHub, you must first set up a GitHub Organization.

Log in to your GitHub account (or create a new one). At the top right of the GitHub home page, click on + and select New organization:

GitHub new organization creation

Choose Create a free organization:

Create a free GitHub organization

Name your organization. Pick any name you like. Throughout the rest of this guide, the name demo-github-organization will be used. Simply replace it with the name you chose as you cut and paste from this guide.

Add your contact email and indicate that this organization belongs to your personal account. Verify your account and accept the terms of service:

GitHub organization creation form

Click Next to see the new organization page.

GitHub organization overview page

Fork a Demo Repository

For the purpose of this tutorial, you'll fork this repository containing the source code of a sample Java application with bugs, vulnerabilities, and bad code. Later in this tutorial, you'll see how SonarCloud finds these issues.

Open the repository in a browser and click Fork:

Forking a repository

In the Owner drop-down, choose the GitHub organization you created earlier from the options listed:

Forking a repository into your GitHub organization

Check Copy the main branch only and click Create fork.

Set Up SonarCloud

Next, you'll set up your SonarCloud account and organization and configure SonarCloud to analyze the project repository.

Sign up for a free SonarCloud account using your GitHub account. Authorize SonarCloud to verify your GitHub account when prompted:

Authorize SonarCloud

On the welcome page, click Import an organization:

SonarCloud welcome screen

On the next screen, you'll see your GitHub organization, which, in this case, is demo-github-organization. Select it:

GitHub organization selection

The next screen asks you to select the repositories on which SonarCloud needs to act. Choose All repositories for this tutorial and click Install:

Install SonarCloud on GitHub repositories

On the next page, choose the free plan and click Create Organization to create an organization in SonarCloud:

SonarCloud organization creation

In the Analyze projects screen, you'll see the forked repository. Select it and click Set Up:

Select the repository for analysis

In the project setup screen, you must choose what the new code for this project will be based on. Choose Previous version and click Create project:

Create project

When prompted to choose the analysis method, select With GitHub Actions since you're integrating SonarCloud analysis with GitHub Actions in this tutorial.

Choose an analysis method

The next screen will show a secret value for the field SONAR_TOKEN.

Sonar token

Note that part of the value in this screenshot was removed for security reasons.

Copy the entire token value since you'll need it to configure the secret in the GitHub repository. Then, navigate to your GitHub repository, click Settings, select Secrets and variables from the side menu, and click Actions.

GitHub repo secrets in settings

Click New repository secret and add `SONAR_TOKEN` as your repository secret.

Add SONAR_TOKEN as repository secret

Set Up Build Integration with SonarCloud

Next, you need to define a GitHub Actions workflow YML file to integrate SonarCloud into your build pipeline.

Clone your repository onto your local machine using this command:

git clone https://github.com/demo-github-organization/sample_java_project_with_bugs_vulnerabilities_and_bad_code.git

Switch to the project directory 'sample_java_project_with_bugs_vulnerabilities_and_bad_code', create a new directory named '.github,' and create another directory in this one named 'workflows.' In the 'workflows' directory, create a new file named 'build.yml' and place the content below in it to integrate SonarCloud with the build pipeline:

# The name of the workflow
name: SonarCloud

# Defines when the action should run

  # Triggers the workflow on push events to the main branch
      - main

  # Also triggers the workflow on pull request events
    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs

  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"

    # The name of the job
    name: Build and analyze

    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # A sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job

      # Checks out a copy of your repository on the ubuntu-latest machine
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0  # Shallow clones should be disabled for a better relevancy of analysis

      # Sets up a JDK 17 environment for the job with the 'zulu' distribution
      - name: Set up JDK 17
        uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          java-version: 17
          distribution: 'zulu' # Alternative distribution options are available

      # Caches SonarCloud packages to speed up workflow execution
      - name: Cache SonarCloud packages
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: ~/.sonar/cache
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-sonar
          restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-sonar

      # Caches Gradle packages to speed up workflow execution
      - name: Cache Gradle packages
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: ~/.gradle/caches
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle') }}
          restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle

      # Grants execute permission for gradlew
      - name: Grant execute permission for gradlew
        run: chmod +x ./demo/gradlew          

      # Builds and analyzes the code
      - name: Build and analyze

          # Needed to get PR information, if any. This token is auto created/managed by GitHub
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}  

          # SonarCloud token for authentication
          SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}

        # Specifies that the working directory for the following step is './demo'
        working-directory: ./demo

        # Runs the command for building and analyzing the code
        run: ./gradlew build sonar --info -x test

Next, edit the file build.gradle in the demo project directory to configure your SonarCloud's sonar.organization and sonar.projectKey variables.

Replace the value of sonar.projectKey <demo-github-organization_sample_java_project_with_bugs_vulnerabilities_and_bad_code> with your unique project key. You can get the project key information by navigating to <https://sonarcloud.io/organizations/demo-github-organization/projects_management> in a browser. Remember to replace the 'demo-github-organization' with your organization value. You should see a screen as below:

Project key information

Replace the value of sonar.organization <demo-github-organization> with your organization key. By default, the organization key is your organization's name.

Stage these changes, then commit and push the changes to your repository using the following commands:

git add .

git commit -am "Integrate SonarCloud with GitHub Actions Workflow"

git push

Go to your repository in a browser and choose the Actions tab. Your workflow will be triggered automatically after a while.

GitHub Actions workflow—build in progress

GitHub will generate a runner to execute your action workflow. Depending on the runner's availability on the free plan, it might take a few to several minutes.

Wait for the build to complete.

GitHub Actions workflow—build successful

Examine Analysis Results in SonarCloud

Once the build is successful, head to your SonarCloud account in your browser, where you'll see a screen that displays your GitHub repository with a summary of analysis results.

SonarCloud project analysis dashboard

Click on the demo project's repository link to get an overview page of the project:

Click the demo repository link

Click on the link in the number of issues reported in the main branch:

SonarCloud project overview page

It will take you to a screen where you can view the list of all issues reported by SonarCloud:

Reported issues

As you can see, SonarCloud analyzed the repository's main branch. SonarCloud reported eleven issues, all in UserController.java, which will take an estimated two hours and eleven minutes to fix. All the issues are listed along with their descriptions. You can click on each issue for more details on the findings.

Fix a Reported Issue

Let's look at one of the reported security issues and fix it by creating a pull request.

To see only the security issues reported, use the left-hand Filters pane and select Security from the Software Quality menu.

Filtered security issues

Click on the first issue, Revoke and change the password, as it is compromised, for more details.

Details of the security issue

The root cause of this issue is that the key/secret value is hard-coded in the UserController.java file. If you click  How can I fix it?, you will see a compliant solution suggested by SonarCloud. In this case, it tells you to get the secret key value from the system environment.

Suggested fix

To develop a fix for this security issue, open a terminal and set the directory to your local cloned repository. Then, create a branch using the command below:

git checkout -b security_fix/get_the_key_from_environment

Open the UserController.java file in your favorite IDE and find the following statement:

private static final String KEY = "ThisIsASecretKey";

Change it to the following:

private static final String KEY = System.getenv("ENCRYPTION_KEY");

A system environment variable ENCRYPTION_KEY will now be used for getting the value for the secret KEY.

Stage these changes, then commit and push the changes to your repository using the following commands in the terminal:

git add .

git commit -am "Security fix to replace hard coded key with system environment"

git push origin security_fix/get_the_key_from_environment

Analyze A Pull Request Using SonarCloud

Head to your GitHub repository in a browser. You'll see a highlighted box that says you have a new branch and a possible pull request to create:

GitHub pull request

Create a pull request by clicking Compare & pull request and then Create pull request:

Create a pull request

The next screen shows details of the pull request. Towards the bottom, you can see that the GitHub Actions workflow for the pull request has started:

GitHub Actions workflow on pull request event

After the workflow is successful, you will see the analysis results from SonarCloud showing that there are no new issues reported on the code in the pull request:

Feedback after GitHub Actions workflow execution

Proceed by clicking Merge pull request at the bottom of the screen to merge your changes to the main branch. This action will trigger another workflow execution on the main branch.

Once the workflow action is completed, head to the screen in SonarCloud that shows the reported issues. The total number of issues is now down to ten:

Final analysis result—total issues

And there's only one security issue left:

Final analysis result—security issues

You can follow this same process to understand the other issues—whether bugs, code smells, or the other security vulnerability—and address them using SonarCloud.


Congratulations! You now know how to complete a SonarCloud analysis of a Java project stored on GitHub. 

As you can see, integrating SonarCloud into your development workflow can help maintain high code quality and ensure the security of your Java applications. 

In addition to uncovering bugs and security weaknesses, SonarCloud helps you implement Clean Code principles and realize the benefits of Clean Code early in the development cycle, saving you time and money and improving your security posture.

This guide was written by Rajkumar Venkatasamy at Draft.dev.

  • August 5, 2024