SonarSource owns several trademarks, including SonarTM, SonarSourceTM, SonarQubeTM, SonarLintTM, and SonarCloudTM (collectively, the “Sonar Marks”). These are the guidelines that you must follow if you intend to use a Sonar Mark. These guidelines have been built to protect Sonar Marks, reduce confusion for our customers, and also make sure that our marks are not misrepresented.

- Use a Sonar Mark only in a way that honestly and accurately describes your software. Keep it factual and descriptive.
- Use a Sonar Mark only in descriptive text (not, for example, in titles and headlines) in an identical size, type, color, and style to the rest of the descriptive text.
- Include a superscript “TM” with your use of a Sonar Mark.
- Make it clear that your software is not a SonarTM product and state that the Sonar Mark is a registered trademark of SonarSource SA.
- Use a Sonar Mark only as an adjective to a noun (e.g., for use with SonarTM software).
- Make attribution of the technology to SonarSource.
Do Not
- Do not use a Sonar Mark in a way that implies partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement.
- Do not use a Sonar Mark any more than is necessary to factually describe your software. If the expression or sentence has the same meaning without the Sonar Mark, remove it.
- Do not use a Sonar Mark in your website name, business name, product name, trademarks, domain registrations, social media handles, brand assets, etc.
- Do not use a Sonar Mark as a noun.