Sonar's latest blog posts
Building Confidence and Trust in AI-Generated Code
To tackle the accountability and ownership challenge accompanying AI-generated code, we are introducing Sonar AI Code Assurance

Manage Duplicated Code with Sonar
If you use Sonar already, I am sure that you know already the worse of all 7 developer's deadly sins: And if you don't, I would assume you know about duplicated / cloned / similar code when you talk about quality of code and that you have heard of tools such PMD CPD or Simian. But why does copy paste matters from a code quality point of view? How can you benefit from Sonar to improve this? Let’s try to figure this out.
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Effective Code Review with Sonar
At SonarSource, we like eating our own dog food as much as possible. This is not always the case in software development, but in our case since we develop software for software companies, we can do it. We therefore have an instance of Sonar that analyses all our products daily.
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Running local analysis with Sonar Eclipse 2.0
Have you tried Sonar Eclipse? If you're a fan of Sonar and you monitor the quality of your code daily, you probably already have installed this set of plugins that brings the power of Sonar right into your IDE. As a developer, I personally find it really useful to fix the violations directly in the code editor - while you can not do much about it when you're browsing the web resource viewer of Sonar.
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SQALE, the ultimate Quality Model to assess Technical Debt
Six months ago, we would never have believed that one day we would be happy and excited to write about the implementation of a Quality Model in Sonar. Indeed the Quality Models that we knew at the time (most of them are based on ISO 9126 standard) are complex, expensive to implement, can be understood only by an elite of quality experts and are not fun at all.
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Detect Dead Code and Calls to Deprecated Methods with Sonar Squid
Up to version 2.1, Sonar was relying only on external coding rules engines such as Checkstyle, PMD and Findbugs to report violations on Java applications. But since version 2.1, Sonar also provides its own rules engine to work on Java dependencies. This rules engine is based on Squid and three rules are currently available :
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Securing access to projects in Sonar
When used out-of-the-box, Sonar is a code quality radiator accessible by everyone at anytime. Like for JIRA, Hudson, a post-it dashboard or any other piece of the development toolset transparency is a key success factor for adoption. So, by default in Sonar, anyone can access any project under continuous inspection and navigate through it.
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Sonar to identify security vulnerabilities
During the last few months, Sonar has definitely become the leading Open Source Platform to manage Java code quality. The objective to democratize access to code quality is becoming concrete. However when analyzing source code, quality is only one aspect of things...
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We had a dream : mvn sonar:sonar
About a year ago we started to dream about the possibility to launch a full quality analysis on any Maven projects, with no configuration by simply running a simple and easy to remember command. Last week, when the Sonar maven plugin joined the Codehaus Mojo project, this dream became reality from Sonar 1.8 onwards. Joining this project presents several advantages to Sonar but the main one is definitely the step toward simplicity. Indeed, the old way to launch a quality analysis was to execute the maven command "mvn org.codehaus.sonar:sonar-maven-goal:X.Y:sonar", it now becomes "mvn sonar:sonar". No need to carry anymore the Sonar web server version, the Sonar Maven plugin groupId, artifactId, ... simply launch "mvn sonar:sonar" !
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Reuse in Sonar unit test reports generated by other systems
Reuse in Sonar unit test reports generated by other systems
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Using quality profiles in Sonar
Last month, Sonar 1.6 was released. The main feature of the new version is the ability to manage quality profiles. The purpose of this post is to explain what gap the functionality fills, to define what is a quality profile and to explain how to use it. Prior to Sonar 1.6, it was only possible to run analysis with one set of defined coding rules per instance of Sonar. It means that within an instance of Sonar, it was not possible to process differently various types of projects (legacy application, technical libraries, new projects, ...). They were all analyzed with the same set of rules. Therefore there was sometimes unnecessary noise around the quality data that made it difficult to see quickly what real action was required. Sonar 1.6 turns off this noise by allowing to define and simultaneously use several quality profiles.
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What makes Checkstyle, PMD, Findbugs and Macker complementary ?
There is often some misunderstanding when people talk about coding rules engines. Everyone tries to take position in favor of his preferred tool and does his best to explain what are the weaknesses of the other ones.
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