Sonar's latest blog posts
Building Confidence and Trust in AI-Generated Code
To tackle the accountability and ownership challenge accompanying AI-generated code, we are introducing Sonar AI Code Assurance

Hack the Stack with LocalStack: Code Vulnerabilities Explained
Our vulnerability researchers found critical code vulnerabilities in a popular Python application that can be exploited remotely, even when the application instance is hosted locally.
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Crafting regexes to avoid stack overflows
Due to the way regular expression matching is implemented in Java (and many other languages/libraries), matching a pattern may - depending on the regex - require stack space proportional to the length of the input. This means large inputs could cause the program to crash with a `StackOverflowException` when you try to use the regex.
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Setting the right (regex) boundaries is important
Regular expressions pack a lot of power into terse little packages and unfortunately that introduces a lot of room for error. This post talks about regex boundaries, another feature that can lead to bugs when used incorrectly, and a rule of ours that can help you avoid such issues. it also covers about complexity and maintainability in regular expressions and our rule to help you find regular expressions that are too complex.
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Regular expressions present challenges even for not-so-regular developers
Regular expressions are a concise and powerful tool for processing text. However, they also come with a steep learning curve and plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. This is the first in a series of posts about some specific regex pitfalls.
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Code security: now there's a tool for developers
Hey SonarQube and SonarCloud users! You now have a tool to own Code Security! SonarSource has been hard at work for the last year to give you the tooling to review and improve your code security. We're glad to say that today you have at your fingertips unmatched precision and performance in SAST (Static Application Security Testing) analysis for five languages and counting.
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Code Security Advent Calendar 2020
It's time to have some December fun! We have 24 little challenge gifts awaiting you that hide security vulnerabilities in real-world Java, C#, PHP and Python code. Can you spot the vulnerability?
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Make Code Quality & Security™ an integral part of your workflow
SonarQube Developer Edition overlays Code Quality and Security™ right onto your projects. Your pull requests are automatically analyzed and decorated with a clear Go/No Go Quality Gate so you only merge clean, quality code! 👏
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How SonarCloud finds bugs in high-quality Python projects
As developers, there always comes a time when we find a bug in production and wonder how it passed all our quality checks. Let's go over a few Bugs we found with SonarCloud and see why it is able to detect them when popular linters don't .
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Code vulnerabilities put health records at risk
Recently, we discovered several code vulnerabilities in OpenEMR A combination of these vulnerabilities allowed remote attackers to execute arbitrary system commands on any OpenEMR server that uses the Patient Portal component. This can lead to the compromise of sensitive patient data, or worse, to a compromise of critical infrastructure.
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Winning the race against TOCTOU vulnerabilities in C & C++
Security is an eternal race between the techniques and technologies of attackers and those of the defenders. Today, I'm proud to announce a step forward for defenders with a new rule to detect a literal race condition: TOCTOU (or TOCTTOU) vulnerabilities, known in long-form as Time Of Check (to) Time Of Use.
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Mono-repository support for GitHub and Azure DevOps Services available now!
Take a tour of SonarCloud's integration with mono-repositories in GitHub and Azure DevOps Services. This new feature allows you to define multiple Quality Gates per project and receive multiple results in your pull requests.
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