Sonar's latest blog posts
Building Confidence and Trust in AI-Generated Code
To tackle the accountability and ownership challenge accompanying AI-generated code, we are introducing Sonar AI Code Assurance

Reflections from DevNexus, the largest Java conference in the U.S.A.
Reflections from DevNexus, the largest Java conference in the U.S.A.
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Interview with Sonar Python Developers Part 2
Latest Python developments. Interview with Python developers from Sonar.
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Odoo: Get your Content Type right, or else!
What do we need content types for anyway? Let's look into how an incorrect content type led to a real-world vulnerability in Odoo, CVE-2023-1434.
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Interview with Sonar Python Developers Part 1
Why should I learn Python language? When should I use Python? Is tooling around Python development mature?
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Sonar ❤️ Compiler Explorer: Write clean C++ code inside your browser
Sonar ❤️ Compiler Explorer: Write clean C++ code inside your browser
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Pretalx Vulnerabilities: How to get accepted at every conference
We recently discovered two vulnerabilities in pretalx and found a generic technique to gain code execution from a file write.
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Another 9 reasons to upgrade to SonarQube 9.9 LTS
SonarQube 9.9 LTS is here! We're back with another 9 reasons you should prioritise upgrading as soon as possible.
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How bad code destroys developer velocity
When bad code gets overlooked, it can create lasting problems and ultimately impact developer productivity and velocity.
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Announcing SonarQube 10.0
Learn what features - like faster first analysis and better user management with SCIM - are available to you and your teams in SonarQube 10.0!
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It’s a (SNMP) Trap: Gaining Code Execution on LibreNMS
Our researchers discovered a vulnerability in LibreNMS, which could be exploited by attackers to gain RCE by sending a single SNMP trap.
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Sonar is the Clean Code solution for your DevOps workflow
Clean Code from Sonar aims to streamline your DevOps workflow so that your organization can yield the best possible results from your software.
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